Aberdeenshire breweries nominated in Scottish Beer Awards

The Scottish Beer Awards was founded in 2016 and aims to recognise the best breweries and beers in Scotland. The independent competition is judged by a panel drawn from across the sector, bringing together industry experience and market knowledge to recognise the greatest achievements in the brewing sector in Scotland.
Full details of the awards are at the Scottish Brewing Awards website.
This is NOT an award organised by CAMRA and the beer styles are not aligned with those defined by CAMRA. Nevertheless, it is is good to see local breweries being recognised even if some of the individual beers are not available as Real Ale. We have also noticed that are no nominations from either of the two wonderful Real Ale breweries on Orkney. You may therefore have some reservations about how the list of finalists was compiled; we couldn't possibly comment.
Breweries from the North East have been nominated as finalists, this includes
- Best Brewery: Fierce
- Brewer of the Year: Reids Gold
- Best Lager: Reids Gold
- Best Pilsner: Fierce and Spey Valley
- Best Amber or Dark Ale: Brewtoon
- Best Amplified Beer: Six Degrees North and Fierce
- Best Porter: Fierce, Windswept and Woohaa
- Best Stout: BrewToon, Fierce, Spey Valley, Keith, Windwept
- Best Barrel Aged: Windswept, Spey Valley and Fierce
- Best British Style: Windswept
- Best Fruit Forward: Fierce, Reids Gold and BrewToon
- Best Fruited Sour: Fierce and BrewToon
- Best Sour: Six Degrees North, Fierce
- Best Speciality: Six Degrees North, Reids Gold, Fierce
- Best Imperials or Double IPA: Fierce
- Best IPA: Six Degrees North, Keith, Fierce and Windswept
- Best Juicy or Hazy IPA: Spey Valley and Fierce
- Best Low or No Alcohol Beer: Reids Gold
- Best Pale Ale: Reids Gold and Fierce
- Best Session Ale: Six Degrees North, Fierce, Reids Gold and Windswept