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Krakatoa Social 2022-02-12

On the afternoon of 12th February 2022, 18 members of the Aberdeen branch got together in Krakatoa to raise a glass to a couple of our absent friends. It was the largest physical gathering of members in over two years and it was wonderful to see such a good turnout. 

The event was helped by a superb range of beer, Swannay Island Hopping and Orkney Best, Windswept Hurricane, Stewart Pentland IPA, Cromarty Kowabunga, Harviestoun Old Engine Oil, 2nd Phase and Haggis Hunter. Hard to pick a best beer from that lot, but first to finish were Swannays. The sudden onslaught on the hand pumps may have taken the staff by surprise! 

As afternoon turned into evening, the common theme was "We must do this again.". And yes we definitely must, look out on the calendar and in the "Aberdeen CAMRA" Facebook group for our next social.

You know if you were there. See you later, ScottW, ScottC, Neil, Richard, Donna, Bob, Lesley, Linda, Marie, Euan, IanS, IanC, Rigg, SteveA, Derek, Jim, Dougie and Dod. In our thoughts, SteveK and MikeB.


Last modified
Wed, 08 Jun 2022