Carriages Services to Real Ale 2019


A presentation was made to mark the closure of Carriages at the Brentwood hotel. The closure of any bar is a sad event, but it becomes somewhat more pertinent when the howff in question had been a regular watering for over 30 years. Carriages occupied the downstairs bar of the Brentwood Hotel and in the mists of time the first beer was Whitbread Castle Eden or Ind Coope Burton Ale. Since then Carriages managed the exceptional feat of regularly supplying and generally keeping in good condition up to 8 different ales. The final chapter became known in 2018 when it was heard that the hotel had been put up for sale in what was to say the least a difficult market. The new owner operates the building in a somewhat different market from the one it has occupied for many years resulting in the removal of both the bar and restaurant.

Ian Chapman presents Hamish with a quaich for services to real ale .

2019 Carriages services to Real Ale
Carriages closing
Aberdeen and Northern Isles